The Power of 3rd Party


Date: Oct. 26, 2008
Issues: Elections

The Power of 3rd Party

I am often asked what power will you have if elected, since you don't belong to the two major parties? I will have more power than any other politician in Congress. Because I don't belong, both parties will try to get me to side with them and will want my vote. I will stand on principles and if one party is right, I will use my vote to have them support me in other correct decisions.

I will be another vote for Ron Paul and his group who are trying to promote restoring our Constitution.

If we elect another Republican or Democrat it will be business as usual, There will be no change or notice given to that candidate. How many of us remember Jesse Ventura? He was elected Gov. of Minnesota as a 3rd party candidate and the whole nation knew of him. How many people, outside of Utah, know who our Governor is? When Kirk Pearson is elected to Congress as a Constitution Party candidate I will be on every major talk show in the country. It will also wake up the nation to know they to can vote for who they want instead of who the media tells them they have to choose from. Think about it...if we want to fix America we need to start now.

Kirk Pearson
